| 2003 | Barbados | Sri Lanka 1995 | S.America 1999 | Miscellany |

Manning in .....
South America!

Reproduced from the 60th Birthday edition of Manningisms
"My cricket boots were sitting there like a sore thumb"

"I'm starting to feel physiologically warm"

"I was only reading this in writing"

(re buying a shirt) - "Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large. I can't be doing with these centimetres or whatever they go into"

"Colonel, can I refresh my rank?"

"It's me mental as well as me head"

"If the Millenium was in the summer it would be better"

"Thank you, dear, I'm the Foreign Office"

"Thank you, Carol Carbohydrate"

"Have you brought your email with you?"

"She's got more rabbit than bunny"

"Eva Peron - she sang that song!"

"You do in Rome as you do in the Romans"

"I wonder if they've got a front round the back"

"Don't build it in a day, have a steak"

"I'm picturing it now in my photographic ....... vocabulary"

"I used to love the old midweek cabaret, every Monday night"

(to Geoff) "How long have you been a policeman?" "30 years less 16 months" "So, when you get there it'll be 30 years"

"Since I woke up this morning I haven't slept a wink"

(re flying over the Andes) "I never saw them. All I could see was the sky, then when I looked down, there was the earth"

"When we go over the Andes by bus, will we see them?"

"I wanna see these Alps tomorrow"

(re red wine, i.e. vino tinto) "I'll have a Tino....Tonto's sister. Tino Tonto. Vino Tinnitus"

"Have you been up Sugar Lump Mountain?"

"Top of the head gut instinct"

"I didn't hear you response. I must have been deflected"

"Jimmy Easter will come out of this smelling of violets"

"We're playing golf tomorrow, but I mustn't hang my hat on it"

"All of a sudden my taste buds change"

"Debbie, have you gor the debarkation cards?"

"I'm getting mirages in my head"

"He should go on every tour, until I drop off this mortal earth"

"GMT will be midday, won't it?"

"They can't speak English - I've seen his face laugh"

(re Palm Hearts) "Is there an animal called the palm?"

"I've converted Chilean money into currency"

"This is the disembrocation point"

Regimental Tour to South America 1999  (from the 60th Birthday edition)
Manning in ...
| 2003 | Barbados | Sri Lanka 1995 | S.America 1999 | Miscellany |